Sunday, April 10, 2011

My First 5 K

Oh hey everybody! Just running in my first 5K (3 miles) tomorrow morning! Not sure how accurate my weather widget is, but ... looks like I'm going to be running in a lightening storm?

...I'll let yall know how it goes.

*Update* It was extremely muddy along the trail, and the pizza given out at the finish line was fabulous. During the tougher parts of the race I kept myself by talking to myself. "You can do it, Greta! You're awesome! You have a wonderful life! You have a fabulous boyfriend who is going to be so proud when you get home, and he's going to say, 'You are the best runnist!..." I'm pretty sure the people running near me could hear me say those things and probably thought I was a little crazy, but these things happen! What an incredibly rewarding experience.


Elizabeth said...

Now let's give this guy a hear attack!

Elizabeth said...


Greta said...

let's kill two birds with one stone and just scream at him until he has a heart attack!

adklauri said...

YOu do have a wonderful life!:)