Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ain't Necessarily So

If I were given a choice to have any voice imaginable, I would take dear Ella Fitzgerald's. Her strong crooning voice always provides a soothing escape comparable to floating down a river on an inner tube on a breezy summer day. Listening to her bluesy improvisations and crystal clear alongside Louis Armstrong's bizarre guttural calls. It fascinates me to think that such a knock out voice belonged to a woman who was notoriously shy. I feel that. I've noticed that I get so self aware when performing, even when telling a joke it causes me to slow my speech and say each word with careful deliberate pace. There's something about knowing the answer to a joke while telling it, the excitement of having the knowledge makes me want to explode and circumvent to the punch line entirely.

They tell all you chillun
The devil's a villain
But ain't necessarily so.

To get into Heaven
Don't snap fo' a second
Live clean! Don't have no fault!

Oh, I takes that gospel
Whenever it's possible
- But with a grain of salt!

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