Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Friend's Life

When I lived in London I drew the first installment of this series. It was created during a surprisingly boring British Popular Music class, and was made after realizing how much I missed people from the states. I started thinking about making several of them of all my friends, but after creating Beth's portrait the idea fizzled out. This was a crazy week, the stress of the semester and some ridiculous drama was getting the better part of my mind so the need to create something bubbled up. I love trying to capture the essence and physical likeness of the people who inspire me, and though these portraits might be more amusing if you know the subjects... For me it has been an introspective experience, despite the fact that I am clearly exploring other peoples' lives. It intrigues me to think about why I see people in certain lights, and tend to fixate on only certain aspects of their personalities. In hindsight it makes me wonder if I only see people as a reflection of myself and therefore are all of my friends just extremities of my own personality. I am not sure, anyway... ENJOY!

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